Sketchboards and other UX design processes

Posted by on Aug 29, 2012 in Blog, Design | No Comments

Talk about meta: some user experience (UX) designers conducted user research on other UX designers to find out how they do UX design in practice. In short, they concluded that most UX designers eschewed most bits of canonical user centered design methods in the interest of time.

Sad, but not unexpected. The article also unearthed common UX techniques, one of which is Adaptive Path’s sketchboard method - organized doodling, crudely put. I find it difficult to put collaborative techniques like these in practice at school, because they’re not part of the Tufts Human Factors department’s main curriculum. “Educating” my classmates about them, let alone persuading their use, is just too effortful and time-consuming, especially when I myself have little to no practical experience with them! So I thought, perhaps I can find an internship where I can be immersed in a studio culture. But I haven’t had much luck on that front… :(