Five Interlocking Tetrahedra
I think I need more direction for this blog section of the site, so I’m going to spend the next couple of days (before class starts!) posting some photos of old crafty stuff I did. Today it’s my first piece of modular origami: It took me a few days to get it right, mainly because […]
Oh man, I haven’t been here in a while. First it was the long and arduous torture of finals, then it was the extended and restful delight of having absolutely nothing to do. (Well, not really, but it felt like it.) I’ll be working on adding more things over the next couple of days, so […]
Create or Else: Tham Kai Meng
[youtube] It’d be cool to work at a place like that – where one grapples with ideas at the most basic, kinesiologic level; where pen meets paper and does amazing things. (Also, he’s Singaporean!)
Vivien Photoradio
Ha! So I was reading up on the Media Lab’s Proverbial Wallets when I came across the Vivien Photoradio. Nice name.
Electronics – without all those poisonous fumes
I’ve always wanted to dabble in simple electronics, but it seems so difficult – my dad has this giant – nay, Brobdingnagian – catalog of electronic components that you’re supposed to go through to look for parts. Once you figure out a list of things, you have to go to these electronic shops crammed with […]
Playing with Sugru, aka an Ergonomic Stylus Grip
I recently bought a packet of Sugru* through the mail, and when it came I knew exactly what to use it for. See this? Oh trusty Wacom stylus, you have served most loyally and well. After 8 years of abuse it still works perfectly, but my Graphire has been discontinued. If I want a new […]
Want some huggable curves…
… but can’t find willing candidates? Here are ten! You’d need money, of course.
My first post! (aka plastic bottle lightbulbs)
Oh my gawddddd Ahem. My friend shared a video on Facebook*, and it’s actually educational – which would be suprising if you knew him. (Most of his videos involve Lady Gaga.) It’s about the lack of lighting in Filipino slums, and how a bottle of water – with some bleach mixed in – can make […]